Seating and storage solutions


If you need to make certain that clean workwear is held securely and yet is available for individuals around the clock, and the soiled workwear is both tidy and secure the managed garment system is the simple choice.

In the Garment Dispenser each user has a lockable personal compartment which is uniquely keyed. Two keys are supplied for each lock to guard against loss.

The operative filling the dispenser uses a single key that gives them simultaneous access to all the compartments in a unit, so there is no need for them to have to open each individual compartment.

The garment collector features a single ‘posting’ slot behind which there is a baffle that makes pilferage difficult. the garments can collect within the unit, or an optional laundry sack can be hung inside to make collection even simpler.

The collector door is keyed to match the service lock on the dispenser.

Storage advice for solvents and flammable liquids

Work Area Ltd is a member of the Federation of Small Businesses

Work Area Ltd | Registeration No. 7467851 | VAT No. 104 8592 16 | Registered address: 20 St. Annes Road, Banbury, Oxfordshire, OX16 9EA

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