Everywhere you turn at the moment it’s 50 shades of this and 50 shades of that. Bad enough when the book came out, but now the film’s been released, the world’s gone grey mad.
I thought if the public wants 50 shades of grey, that’s what they should have. Office chairs, that is. What did you think I meant? I haven’t read the book, much less seen the film, but I can tell you that there are not 50 different shades of grey office chairs to be had. I know. I’ve checked.
We can deliver more than 20 shades of blue, though. Quite catchy that, eh?
20 shades of blue
Think it might catch on? Followed by … 20 shades of blue – the movie
Anyway, all this grey mania got me thinking about alternative uses for office chairs. After all, upcycling, repurposing and shabby chic are the other big must-haves of the moment, aren’t they? Surely someone has some great ideas for old, worn-out office chairs.
In case you think I’m talking about ‘adult’ uses for office chairs involving handcuffs and the like, please note this is not an X-rated blog. If that’s what’s on your mind, as far as I’m concerned you can do what you like with your chair in the privacy of your own office providing you sit correctly and use a footrest. Just don’t let the health and safety people catch you. And if you get into a predicament, please do NOT call the fire brigade. They’re already on red alert for incidents of this nature, according to the BBC.
Where was I? Oh yes, alternative uses for old office chairs. I imagined the upcycling sites would be full of ingenious ideas. But sadly, there were none to be had.
I was expecting old typist chairs being turned into space rockets for 5-year-olds. Surely someone’s thought about suspending them from the ceiling to create industrial light fittings? Couldn’t they be turned into shabby chic planters for herbs? It seems not.
Are office chairs not worth repurposing? Are all these upcycling genius types blinkered to the potential uses of hydraulic gas lifts, sets of wheels, ergonomic designs and adjustable height mechanisms? Or are they all tide up with their handcuffs and 50 shades instruction manuals?
But my research paid off in the end. Now you can source your office chairs in 50 shades of grey or any other colours or designs that take your fancy. Because I’ve discovered office chairs are hot property and they’re getting make-overs galore.
Check out what Stacie Swift did with this grotty old one rescued from a skip. And when you’ve finished admiring that, take a look at what How Joyful did with her leather executive chair.
So my work here is done. If you want 50 shades of grey office chairs, let me know. I’ll sort out the chairs and you can give them the make-over you’ve been dreaming of.
Alternatively, if you fancy blue or any other colour in our range, we’re happy to oblige. And while we can’t supply you with handcuffs, we do a great range in lockers, or flammable storage cupboards if you get overheated.