Seating and storage solutions

Keep your feet firmly on the ground.

Whether working at a desk, reception area, laboratory bench, or work bench, long hours spent sitting in a chair puts unnecessary strain and pressure on the spine and can result in back ache, stiff neck and shoulders, leg pains, and pins and needles. Poor circulation, blood clots and varicose veins are also commonly reported problems.… Continue Reading

Is your chair letting you down?

You come into work, settle into your nice comfy office chair, turn on the computer and the day starts. Or maybe you’re at your work or lab bench; you step onto the footrest and sit down on your chair. All set for the usual daily routine. That sinking feeling. All is going well, but as… Continue Reading

Choosing the right chair

Did you know ? In a typical year the average office chair spends around 2000 hours in use, over a working life that’s more than 10 years of constant use! Slightly less for laboratory chairs, but also slightly more in some industrial environments. Most would agree that something which has such a big impact on… Continue Reading

Are you sitting comfortably

Most jobs nowadays require people to sit whilst working. This is partly due to the rapid increase in I.T. and mechanisation within business and industry. Unsuitable seating can cause people to adopt awkward postures which can lead to discomfort, back pain and upper limb disorders. This may prove costly to employers in the form of… Continue Reading

Storage advice for solvents and flammable liquids

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Work Area Ltd | Registeration No. 7467851 | VAT No. 104 8592 16 | Registered address: 20 St. Annes Road, Banbury, Oxfordshire, OX16 9EA

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